Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Far Too Long

So I'm back. Excuses would be pretty lame at this point. Basically, I thought I was to busy for my blog. That's a bunch of hooey as I'm sure you all know. The only thing i was busy with was sitting on my fat lazy ass staring at Face book. So I will quickly recap the last several months:
        1: We bought a house. (I will never buy a house again. The process is insane. If I ever need to move out of this house I will build a cardboard structure in the backyard)
        2: No more electrical engineering school. (Very sad. Turns out I don't relate well to engineering.)
  OK.... so that's it. I already stated I had been sittin on my ass staring at Face book.

   I could have turned it political and called it "Occupy My Couch". Seems to be the trendy thing to do and it's a lot warmer than a park or sidewalk. I know that sounds harsh, but if you take an honest look at the political climate in this country you just end up sitting on your couch waiting for the end. We have a congress who are hell bent on disagreeing no matter what the consequences. Which shouldn't be a surprise considering the sole purpose of professional politicians is to be reelected. A president who seems to be mailing it in. And really can you blame the guy? I'm pretty sure he's figured out that he's a one and done president. Being president actually seems like a pretty shitty job. You get blamed for decades of financial abuse, you inherit previous administrations foreign policy disasters and more people can identify who JWOWW is than can name your vice president.
   The whole damn things a mess. Rampant unemployment, wars that have gone on far to long, an education system that's turned into a joke (really? we still debate whether creationism should be taught in science class... gimme a friggin break...) Corporations that have more rights than people do. Have you seen the republican presidential hopefuls? Holy shit if that doesn't scare you into thinking about moving to Canada nothing will. I can go on and on.
   Luckily we have a rebellion happening. Wait.... actually we don't. See the problem is there is no where for it to go. It's too vague to be productive. We have become exactly what those that own us want us to be. We have convinced ourselves that we change the wrongs in this country with peaceful protests and leaderless opposition. If I were part of the ruling class i would be stoked if everyone was grouping together with no desire to force change. spray some fire hoses shoot some plastic bullets and you can keep everyone corralled in the parks. No threat no change.
  But hey who am I to judge. i don't even know which percentage I'm in. I'm not real good at math. And I really, really like my couch.