Friday, April 15, 2011

   This week our family lost a one of our own. Our two year old cockatiel, Tank, passed away on Tuesday. He had gotten quite ill at the end of last week. My lovely wife was with him at the end he was not alone. And I'm quite sure he knew he was loved. He had just turned two this past March. We found him a nice burial place down by the water for him to take his final rest. We will miss you, Tank.
     I don't want to dwell on death. Tank wouldn't want me to to either. Cockatiels tend to be rather positive animals. I think he would be happier knowing that we had moved toward the future.

    Then again it does bring up the usual reflective question that comes when a death occurs. What does it all mean? Are we defined by our careers? Our mistakes? Our accomplishments? Do I win anything if I end up with more cool stuff than someone else? Do we have to be nice to people no matter what? I hope not because sometimes I can be a real prick. Some people are good at playing piano or a sport. Me? I'm good at being an asshole.

   I hope I'm defined by my character. The kind of father I am and hope to be. The kind of husband I am and try to be. Although on that point it's probably best to remember I am a male. So I was born with a genetic disability that causes me to act like a complete moron from time to time. As with all that are afflicted with this condition I am prone to bouts of insensitivity, leaving the toilet seat down while using the toilet, leaving the toilet seat up when I leave the bathroom, and last, but not least, horrifying gas. So as long as thetas taken into account i don't mind being judged as a husband.

   I guess the things that are important in the end are up to each individual. I mean really who am I to judge. But if it comes down to the cool stuff thing then I'll be pissed. I'm putting all my eggs in the character, father, husband basket.

  As a final thought I want to mention G.E. You know, the appliance people. Well they are a huge, like really really huge company. They make billions of dollars in profits every year. As we all know, our country is in the crapper financially. Well the wonderful folks at G.E. managed to shelter themselves from paying taxes through corporate money voodoo. Now that sucks bad enough because I'm sure you like me pay more than plenty in taxes. Check this out. These assholes received a 3.2 billion dollar tax return form our government. Really? 3.2 billion dollars? I'm no financial expert, but if that's the kind of tax refund we're dolling out to major corporations, it's no wonder we're friggin broke. I'd like to see our fine Representatives, senators, corporate big boys and all the other assorted assholes have to budget on any of our salaries. I give em a week til their homeless.

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