Well it seems I am really bad at this deadline stuff. I said I would post every Friday and I usually miss that deadline by a week or more. I never claimed I was perfect, as a matter of fact the reason I am always late has a lot to do with my lack of perfectness. (Perfectness probably isn't a real word, but it sounds better than perfection.) Was I too busy last Friday to post? Probably not considering I don't even remember what I did last Friday after I left work. I know I was at the house and I can guess that I even had my laptop turned on and on top of my lap. Lets be honest though. How many people really turn on their computer and immediately do anything productive? If you raised your hand then I do not know why you are reading this. This is obviously not a productive way to spend your time. If you do consider this to be a productive use of your time then you either need to seek help from a mental professional or get a life. The point is I will not apologize or make lofty promises of posting exactly on time every week. As long as Facebook, RIFT, ESPN.com, and whatever other .com, .org or .anything exist, I can not be held responsible for my irresponsibility.
Well considering I cant remember what happened last week I will deal exclusively with this past week. Unless, of course, a sudden memory is triggered and I lapse into the prior week. So here's a list of this past weeks events:
Looked at that awesome house again.
Did more "work" on the Monte
Visit from the father in law
Bought a "thing"
Not necessarily in that order but damn close. The house rocks. We totally want it. I'm pretty sure if someone told my wonderful wife and I that we could have this house if one of us won a cage match against a UFC fighter, my wife would obliterate him. Seriously, she wants the house that bad. Betting against her in any competition in which the house was the prize for winning would be ill advised.
As far as the Monte goes well ummm yea. It goes slow and I'm pretty sure the neighborhood has placed odds on whether I can figure out how to put all that stuff back in it. Honestly I have my doubts. I figure anything that doesn't make it back into the car was just extra anyway.
Is there anything I really need to say about work? I know I know I should just be happy to have a job at all and I shouldn't complain because I do get paid fairly well. However, it does not make it not suck. I think it's best defined by the shirts we were given this week. On the back of the shirt it says "Serving the Guard that Guards Our Nation". Apparently not only is the Army National Guard our customer but also our overlords. I think next week we get to sacrifice a goat and leave it in a helicopter as a sacrifice to our them.
My wonderful wife's father came to visit. It was good to see him, he doesn't visit enough. That's probably better than over doing it I guess. What? You expected some kind of sarcasm or snide remark? Not my fault it was a nice visit.
What is this "thing" I speak of? For years I have been looking for something to put our TV on. I could see it in my head but could not describe it. Not an entertainment center, I think those things are obnoxious. Not a TV stand. I have no real issue with TV stands, I just had it in my head that something far cooler existed somewhere in the universe. Lat week I found it. We were in one of those RestoreIt stores that Habitat for Humanity has, and sitting there, way in the back was the "thing" I had been searching for. I said to my wonderful wife, "That's it! That's the "thing"!" Now, I'm not sure which part is stranger, that i expected her to know what I meant by "thing" or that she immediately knew what "thing" was in reference to. Anyway we paid for it and agreed to pick it up later in the week. (The previous events happened last Saturday)
Well today we decided to go pick the "thing"up. We got it loaded in the truck, all tied down nice and snug and began our journey home. Happy with our new purchase and full of smiles. Well the "thing" has drawers. And as I learned today it is very important to ensure that the drawers are secure. I did not do this. About a half mile down the road I heard a strange noise. I even said "Did you hear that? It was a weird noise." The weird noise was the top drawer flying out of the "thing" and smashing into the ground. Fortunately we were able to recover all the pieces and I now have a nice project to occupy my time this weekend.
So remember my wonderful wife is willing to fight to the death for a house, anything left out is extra, swear allegiance to your overlords, enjoy time with your family, and make sure your drawers are tight.
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