Friday, May 25, 2012

My Dog Has Gas.....

Well it's been awhile. That's all I will say on that. I think I've apologized for my absences on every single post. And, honestly, who wants to read about how horribly sorry I am for not posting. we both know that if i was really sorry I would post more often. So lets just move on.

I just rewrote this whole damn thing. I had just gone off on this really long political rant about the nature of politics in our country. It started giving me a headache so I stopped. It's too much. We all know politicians are assholes. We all know they don't give a poop about the average person. It just takes too much energy to care. If it wasn't for comedy central I probably wouldn't even know it was an election year.

My life is filled with far bigger concerns like why does my dog have such horrible gas? Why are there so many fucking ferns in my yard? Why is my car making that weird noise? And really, what in the hell does that switch by the garage do?

I imagine it's like that for most of us. And before anyone gets all crazy, yes I am grateful that I live in a place where I can worry about such trivial things. But really did someone plant one fern and it just went bat shit? Have they always been here?... I'm not fond of ferns.... Plenty of people probably love ferns, and that OK I have no problem with that. As a matter of fact if you really love them then please come take as many as you want. I would even go so far as to say that if either Obama or Romney came and got rid of every single fern on my property I would gladly vote for them.

Have a nice Memorial Day!


  1. Thank you for this. Made me smile! Have a great holiday!

  2. We have hundreds of ferns on our property...they like the PNW wetness I guess. I always associated ferns w/the tropics, now I know better. Have you tried putting up a "free ferns, U dig" sign?
